Photovoltaic panels, Financial benefits Chris Coutts Photovoltaic panels, Financial benefits Chris Coutts

Save Money, install Photovoltaic Solar Panels in France

What are the cost savings and government incentives available for installing Photovoltaic panels (PV) in France?

Have you thought about installing photovoltaic solar panels in your property in France?  If so, we have outlined the available financial incentives in place for you and what you need to do to qualify.

What are the cost savings and government incentives available for installing Photovoltaic panels (PV) in France?

Lower your electricity bill

On average reports show savings of up to 40% on individuals’ energy bills

Reduced TVA on your PV installation

You will only have to pay 10% TVA on your installation instead of the usual 20%.  To qualify your installation must be less than 3kWp

Reselling your surplus electricity back to EDF; ‘revente d’électricité à EDF’

When you are producing and consuming your own electricity through your solar panel installation, the electricity generated is collected and measured by your Linky box.  You can choose whether you store any excess electricity, in a battery for example, or sell any excess back to EDF.

The rates of resale back to EDF are set by the state and is relative to the power of your installation.

Government financing for the installation; prime à l’investissement pour l’autoconsommation’

The ‘self consuption bonus’ is available to you if you want to produce and consume your own electricity.  Since May 2017 the state has provided financing for part of the solar panel installation.  If you are installing equipment that allows for self consumption you will be eligible for this investment premium. 

How much can you get?

It is relative to the power of your installation and varies from 100€ – 370€ / kW the amount is recalculated each trimester.  Calculated based on the power of your installation it is paid in one instalment.   The more powerful your installation, the lower your premium.  To estimate the total amount of the premium you will get, you multiple the amounts by the capacity of your photovoltaic installation.  If you production capacity is 3kWp you will in theory be entitled to a self consumption bonus of 1,110€ (3 kWp x 370EUR/kWp)

How to qualify for the ‘prime à l’autoconsommation’

In order to qualify for the self-consumption you need to;

1.        Install photovoltaic solar panels and sell the surplus electrical production back to EDF. 

2.       Have a photovolatic installation with power of less than 100kWp that is installed on a roof or structure (panels placed on the ground are not eligible)

3.       Have your work carried our by an RGE artisan (Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement)

How to apply

Your application for the prime is done automatically at the same time as you submit your application to connect to the Enedis electrical network.  You will also be required to submit planning permission, the plan for your installation project, information about your home and photographs of your land/house. 

At B.E Electric, as RGE artisans, we can take care of all this for you. No need to submit your paperwork or understand the processes.  Our expert team will organise your project from submitting planning application approval to finalising your connection to the Enedis electrical network. 

Contact us today for a free project assessment and quote. 

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